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Retirement Planning Services

Senior Couple

Planning ahead is the key to securing financial freedom in retirement.

At Providence Advisory Group, we’re here to guide and assist you with creating a tailored retirement plan that enables you to secure your financial future and achieve your personal and lifestyle goals.


Ready to start planning your retirement?

At Providence Advisory Group, we partner with you to plan for your retirement

We make it a priority to get to know our clients, who are preparing for retirement or who have already retired and want to secure the financial freedom and comfortable lifestyle they deserve in their retirement years.

Financial Report

What is Retirement Planning?

And why you should seek financial advice

Retirement planning is the process of arranging your finances to ensure you have long-term financial security and achieve your personal and lifestyle goals.

It involves setting lifestyle and financial goals, creating a savings and investment strategy, and making informed decisions to set you on a pathway to where you want to be in your retirement years.

Retirement planning is also an ongoing process that adapts over time to changes in personal circumstances, market conditions, taxation changes, and financial goals.

So, seeking expert and trusted advice from a financial planner can be beneficial to help you navigate the complexities and make informed decisions tailored to your individual needs.

What are the Benefits of Retirement Planning?

Preparing a tailored retirement plan for your unique situation will improve your chances of living a comfortable and secure retirement.

It will ensure you maximise your investment returns and boost your eligibility for the pension and other social security entitlements.

If generating an income in retirement is important to you, then a financial planner who can explain and recommend the right financial products for your circumstances, timeframe, and objectives is also essential.

When you get the right support to prepare for your retirement, you put yourself in a position to capitalise on various tax benefits designed for retirees. These include:

  • Tax rebates and concessions

  • Elevated tax-free thresholds

  • Exemption from tax on earnings when funds are held in specific retirement income products


With the financial planning support from Providence Advisory Group, you can get the assistance you need to unlock all the advantages of a well-prepared retirement plan.

Retirement planning is a step everyone should take to ensure a secure and comfortable future.

An old couple using computer happily

What Should You Include in a Retirement Plan?

Whilst your retirement plan will be tailored for you and adjusted over time as your financial situation evolves, it will typically cover the following areas:

Goal Setting

You’ll set financial and personal goals for retirement, such as maintaining a certain lifestyle, covering healthcare expenses, or leaving a financial legacy for your children.

Savings & Expenses

Your money needs to last, so it’s important that it’s invested in the right way, so you have adequate savings and income to spend on the things you dreamed about doing in retirement.

Property & Investments

Developing a diversified investment strategy tailored to your risk tolerance, timeframe, and financial goals is crucial. This may involve a mix of property, stocks, bonds, and other assets.

Healthcare & Insurance

Considering healthcare costs and potential long-term care needs is vital. This may involve purchasing insurance policies or setting aside funds for medical expenses.

Estate Planning

Establishing a comprehensive estate plan, including wills, trusts, and beneficiary designations, helps ensure the efficient transfer of assets and the fulfilment of your wishes.

Taxation & Benefits

Understanding the tax implications of how you manage your money and your ability to receive a pension is an integral part of the retirement planning process.

How does the Retirement Planning Process Work?

Step 1. Book a 15-minute Complimentary Call

The first step is to book a 15-minute complimentary call with our Principal Financial Planner, Simon Shepherd, to discuss your current financial position and determine if we can assist you with your unique situation and goals.

Step 2. Schedule an Initial Consultation ($275)

We’ll meet for a 2-hour Life Planning Session to discuss what’s important to you, where you’d like to be in the future and the potential steps you could take to achieve your goals. Even if you decide not to proceed with a full financial plan, you’ll still leave the session with a to-do list of actions and quick wins you could potentially make.

Step 3. Start working together on your Plan

Once you approve the areas you’d like help with and the costs and benefits of this advice, we'll start working with you on the journey to prepare and roll out your financial plan.

Ready to start planning your retirement?

Book a free 15-minute call with Simon today, to discuss how we can help secure your financial future and achieve your retirement and lifestyle goals.

Why Choose Providence Advisory Group?

At Providence Advisory Group, we specialise in simplifying the retirement planning process and identifying how we can add value to your existing arrangements or perhaps completely reorganise your financial affairs for long-term financial security and freedom.

But don’t just take our word for it – Here’s what our clients say:

"Simon's advice is clear and concise in what he provides.

He always presents in plain English, avoids using industry jargon, and is very patient and available to discuss any issues we have. He provides a lot of information about what the market is doing and various jargon and technicalities, including a broad understanding of investment markets and is able to come up with new ideas and suggestions."

- Peter, 65+ years, Bonny Hills, NSW


"Simon gives us confidence in managing our investment for our future in retirement and has our trust in his guidance and advice and explains everything simply for us. We never feel he is in a rush with the time spent with us at the review."

- John, 65+ years, Port Macquarie, NSW

Meet your Retirement Planning Advisor

Simon Shepherd
Principal Financial Planner

Simon joined the family practice in Sydney in 2009, having previously worked in financial markets in numerous cities, including Tokyo, New York, and London.

He holds a Bachelor of Business (Finance and Accounting) from the University of Technology, Sydney, and is a member of the Financial Planning Association of Australia.

With a strong background in financial markets and a deep understanding of investment risk, Simon skilfully constructs high-quality, diversified investment portfolios to help clients achieve their financial goals and dream retirement lifestyle.

Ready to start planning your retirement?

Book a free 15-minute call with Simon today, to discuss how we can help secure your financial future and achieve your retirement and lifestyle goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

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